is a collaborative photographic series created over Autumn and Winter 2020, with my dear father, Arif, who sadly passed away in March 2021. These images have now taken on a whole new meaning.
Dad and I had intended to set one another weekly photographic assignments to eventually co-curate a body of imagery that we hoped would tell it's own story. I couldn't wait to set him tasks. I had all sorts up my sleeve! That was our relationship; we loved to wind each other up. But his illness progressed and forced limitations, so we had to rethink things. It was decided instead that he would set all of the tasks and I would go out and shoot, leaving him to determine the final image selection.
My father loved nature and wildlife, so I had an idea of what he may ask of me, but I didn't expect to enjoy it the way I did. And being flooded with pregnancy hormones at the time, I found the process to be extremely cathartic. I would love to spend more time taking photographs like these - thank you for your vision Dad. See you on the other side. freelance photographer